уторак, 28. децембар 2010.
Vendi finalista na Farmi
Ko će osvojiti Survivor Srbija?
U Putongu se bore za nagradu, i to kakvu: jednodnevni boravak u ekskluzivnom hotelskom kompleksu na Pacifiku! Natezanje konopca i balansiranje na dasci, najbolje ide Marku i Andreju. U velikom finalu pobeđuje voditelj, koji svoju nagradu deli sa Aleksandrom. Helikopterom odlaze do luksuznog apartmana, gde ih dočekuje brojna posluga i sok od sveže ceđenog manga. Andrej je hipnotisan plazma televizorom, a Aleksandri žuri na tuširanje. Nakon brčkanja u kadi i masaže stopala kreću na romantičnu večeru na obali mora.
U plemenu je počelo odbrojavanje dana do povratka kući. Zbog činjenice da će uskoro videti svoje najmilije u Putongu vlada dobra atmosfera. U razgovoru sa Gocom i Jelenom, Bojana priznaje da joj Nikola jako nedostaje, ali da ne želi da se to vidi. Manekenka se osvrće na dešavanja sa Plemenskog saveta i kaže da je tek tada shvatila da pleme Kasuko više ne postoji. Priznaje da se držala svojih saplemenika dok Aleksandra i Andrej nisu prekršili dogovor i umesto za Tonija, glasali za Jelenu, pa kaže: „Žao mi je što sam kasno shvatila“.
Najnovije vesti na sajtu Survivor Srbija
Eva voli Ekrema Jevrića
Sta sve jedu u Survivoru
Baki hoce da kresne Vendi
Ko je najbolji u Survivoru
Eva Ras: Dala sam im usranu motku
понедељак, 27. децембар 2010.
How long will you watch Farma Srbija?
Organizers of the show have decided to make the very good show this year and the farmers that will enter the house are good friends Marija Serifovic and Dragan Marinkovic Maca, which are expected to be outspoken and, at the very least, the most interesting tandem.
-We can not tell you how much are the fees of competitors. They are all signed contracts and they all have their personal contract which mentions the amount of money that farmers will earn revenue while at the show. This talk is forbidden and we will not disclose how much the fees - says about our site Maja Govedarica representative of TV Pink.
The appearance of the estate has remained completely the same, but the new farmers will move in. New competitors will have problems as the previous one, and these are everyday problems of each farmer who lives in the village in Farma Blog. They will have to fire vines, swim in a barrel, to use the village toilets. The advantage of the participants had their first season because they used the new stuff, and these participants will now use the old stuff and the furniture from the first season.
Although this way of life will be VIPs certainly be a big challenge, all the competitors on the other hand make good money in favor of what they gave up all the amenities of luxury living. As we learn, fees for participation are much higher this year, and some farmers have agreed figure that almost can be compared to the prize fund.
Each week, television productions Pink competitors will pay farmers for several thousand euros. The biggest stars have special agreements under which they can earn up to several tens of thousands of euros, which will be biggest prizes in Serbia.
недеља, 26. децембар 2010.
Dvor Srbija - the biggest reality show in Serbia
Pink TV has announced that the new project, tv Show "Dvor" will soon be ready and they work on it a lot. This should be the best and most watched show which was screened in the former Yugoslavia.
The owner of TV Pink Zeljko Mitrovic, announced in January a new reality show called "Dvor". The medieval castle, in which will be filmed a new show, is built in Simanovci, near the Pink's film studio and there will be VIP contestants live like kings, princes, knights, slaves and court jesters! The show will last two months and the winner is expected fabulous cash prizes!
- "Dvor Srbija" is completely unique show, nowhere anything like it was never broadcast and this will be the first time you see something like this. It will compete VIPs from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Montenegro and other countries. They will have their roles, there will be a king and queen with their assistants, to the lowest class backgrounds and the armor-bearer of slaves. In the contest will be different from other versions reality shows such as Big Brother or Farm - have said Zeljko Mitrovic to the reporters and explained why he chose Simanovci as a location of his new project:
- We decided to build a real castle for the purpose of recording the new reality "Dvor". This building is already under construction last couple of months in Simanovci an in January the 9. should be the first move it reality for the new participants. The prize fund for the winner of "Palace" will be fantastic - said Mitrovic.
Reality show "Dvor blog", which threatens to disturb the glory of most watched shows of the "Farma" begins broadcasting 9th January, when it will be known for a complete list of participants. On this occasion, the work is released and www.dvorsrbija.com site, where all the Pink's television viewers able to get information on what happened in the course of this reality.
петак, 3. децембар 2010.
Serbia got new reality Show - Dvor !
Celebrities from the region will live a month and a half ago in a luxurious palace.
Reality Dvor Srbija be followed by as many as 24 celebrities from around the region, which will live 45 days in a real castle. Unlike the farm or Survivor, where participants have to survive in inappropriate or difficult conditions, the participants will live in the Palace "silk and velvet," says local press.
"Press reports that will be most interesting učenisic contestants from previous editions Farms and Big Brother, such as Mickey Đuričić, Milos Bojanic, Ekrem Jevric, Gianni Curcio and many others.
Palace starts early January and will take it and Bosko Jakovljevic Natasa Pavlovic.